Alcohol and Weight Gain The Effects of Alcohol on the Body

can drinking alcohol make you gain weight

Your social anxiety isn’t the only thing that alcohol inhibits. Intake of alcoholic beverages can also inhibit proper digestive function. Research suggests does alcohol make u gain weight that alcohol can lead to increased periods of wakefulness during sleep cycles. However, the effects of alcohol surpass even social drinking etiquette.

can drinking alcohol make you gain weight

Alcohol can contribute to excess belly fat

Many mixed drinks contain a high amount of sugar that’s quickly dumped into your fat stores while your body is busy burning off the alcohol. All of these can lead to long-term weight gain and contribute to the bloating and digestive issues that cause weight gain after a night of drinking. Some people may experience a slowdown in metabolism with alcohol consumption, making it harder for their bodies to burn calories efficiently. This response can vary greatly from person to person, and it’s important to recognize that your own metabolic reaction to alcohol could be different than your friend’s. When you mix drinks with sugary sodas or juices, those calorie counts can soar.

The Indirect Effects of Alcohol on Weight

can drinking alcohol make you gain weight

When you get hungry while drinking, consider having vegetables and water instead of high-calorie foods. Eating food before drinking alcohol can delay the onset of alcohol effects. Drinking on an empty stomach can get you drunk much faster since food primarily acts as a buffer for your body’s digestion of alcohol. Alcohol can impair judgment and decision-making skills,  potentially leading to poor food choices. Even those who are usually conscious of their diet struggle to resist the urge to eat when intoxicated. Mixed drinks have more calories due to the added sugar and saturated fat.

can drinking alcohol make you gain weight

Temporary Weight Gain After Drinking Alcohol: What’s Going On There?

Drinking alcohol is a common practice in many parts of the world, and it can positively and negatively impact our health. But when alcohol consumption becomes excessive or uncontrolled, it can lead to addiction and serious health problems, such as weight gain. This comprehensive overview will discuss how alcohol affects body weight, what signs of addiction to look for, and more.

can drinking alcohol make you gain weight

  • Gastritis can be erosive, allowing stomach acid to damage the stomach lining.
  • High-calorie, high carb, and high sugar foods, when consumed with alcohol, will cause weight gain and a beer belly.
  • Alcohol can reduce your blood sugar level, which may increase hunger.
  • What’s more, calories from alcohol are typically considered empty calories, since most alcoholic drinks do not provide substantial amounts of vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients.
  • Habitual excessive alcohol consumption has long been linked to an increased waist-to-hip ratio (a fancy term for a beer belly).

Why You Get Sugar Cravings After Quitting Alcohol

FAQs about Alcohol Consumption and Weight Gain

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