50 Efficient Business Process Automation Examples You Can Steal Process & Project Management Software

business process automation examples

How are your peers applying these process automation tools in the real world? Explore some common business process automation examples in the use cases below. Business process automation (BPA) is the automation of complex business processes through the use of advanced technologies. By implementing automation solutions, your team can eliminate busywork and increase productivity. While you can use business process automation to optimize business processes, business process management (BPM) can involve tactics outside of automation to streamline and enhance procedures. In short, BPM may or may not include BPA, but BPA always contributes to improving BPM.

The Benefits of BPA

business process automation examples

Learn how to set and align project management conventions with a project management office. In the finance department, BPM can be used to manage processes such as budgeting, invoicing, compliance, and financial reporting. It enhances accuracy, speeds up financial operations, and ensures compliance with regulatory standards. Business process automation tracks, records, and stores all the materials, people, and action steps in any given project. Purchase order (PO) requests are recurring processes that are ripe for automation.

business process automation examples

Sales order process

Studies show that an exceptional onboarding experience is 2.6x more likely to make employees feel extremely satisfied in their jobs. This type of automation is helpful for businesses with large volumes of customer inquiries that can easily be solved with quick Q&A sessions. This particular workflow is useful for teams that handle a lot of approvals and require a specific process, like an accounting team. There are often expense reports, income statements, and other documents that need approval before submission to financial bodies, like the government.

Automated Event Log Monitoring

Both when a customer submits a registration form for their site and when that registration is approved, a notification is sent to the team. Greatly reduce development costs and timelines and make ongoing maintenance and management of automated bpa business process automation tasks a breeze when you use BPA for batch processing. Even if a part of your process involves going to a website and clicking on fields or grabbing information, business process automation can make it faster and more efficient.

Now, when a customer fills in their WeSpin Typeform form, their details are automatically transferred to Mailchimp and Podio. Faster processes and shorter client wait times—that’s the brilliance of AI-powered automation. Download a trial to see for yourself how BPA can transform your business and streamline any IT and business tasks.

Business process automation (BPA) vs. business process management (BPM)

Their old-fashioned paper-based process was making it hard to see where watches were in the business, which made it difficult to communicate with customers. By digitizing the process, we were able to provide 100% visibility to Harrods staff of where watches are on every step of their journey and automate updates for customers. Kyocera, a multinational printer and copier manufacturer, were looking to optimize their pricing approval process for their larger accounts. We automated the process, giving more visibility to senior executives so they had the information they needed to make decisions quickly. This reduced the pricing approval process by 85%, accelerating turnaround time and winning Kyocera new business.

  • Focus on areas with high error rates, manual steps, or bottlenecks that are hindering efficiency.
  • Automatic role assignment and task delegation within a project can enhance productivity by eliminating manual delegation and tracking of responsibilities.
  • These capabilities will not only give time back to your team but can also help your organization compete in the market and assist with future growth strategies.
  • You can use BPA to streamline and optimize processes for everything from sales and marketing to HR, compliance, training, and beyond.

Logistics and supply chain management

business process automation examples

With good task management software, you can gain clarity on your work and get your highest-impact work done. An e-commerce company may employ process design tools to revamp its order fulfillment system. The software helps visualize the entire order-to-delivery workflow, identifying bottlenecks and enabling the redesign of steps for faster processing and delivery. The marketing side of your business, like social media management, can use up a lot of labor hours with uncertain returns. Business process automation would allow you to create standard replies to common problems that can be pushed out to customers automatically. Business process automation can be used to automatically approve some POs if it’s always the same every time, cutting the labor hours required to fill out, approve, and send the forms.

business process automation examples

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